Designing a Bathroom Renovation? Some Tips to Help You Along | Potomac MD

While it's true the at the beginning of any remodel the workload seems overwhelming, it doesn't have to be. With proper planning and a bit of know-how, renovating a room in your home can be extremely rewarding. 

Determine your budget. Under-budgeting is a huge mistake. Begin by estimating what you'd like to change in your bathroom, add up total expenses and costs (including any hired help you may need). Then, subtract the hours you may need to take off of work. Remember, time is money. (Pro tip: Keep a few extra bucks in a reserve for emergencies.)

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5 New Tiling Ideas for Bathroom Renovations That You May Not Have Thought of | Chevy Chase, MD


Classy and environmentally eco-friendly, bamboo mixes simple care and elegant design. It comes in narrow- and wide-stock, strand-woven, and is durable and waterproof. It is also available in variable patterns that would compliment any bathroom redesign.


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Five Minor Additions that Can Make a Major Impact on Bathroom Renovations | Great Falls VA

  • Bathroom Fan with Timer

The bathroom fan exists to remove the moisture caused by the sudden increase in humidity that results from normal use. If properly used, the bathroom fan dramatically reduce incidence of mold and mildew in a bathroom. If not used at all, the results can be either a unregulated growth of mold and mildew, but it the fan is left going too long, its usefulness becomes trumped by the amount of energy it wastes. Bathroom renovations present the perfect opportunity to introduce fans with timers that keep it running long enough to do its job, but automatically turn the fan off to keep it from becoming an energy vampire.

  • Concealed Toilet Brush

The brush used to clean out the toilet may be a tool no bathroom should be without, but it is also true that no bathroom could fail to benefit from its being hidden from view. Which is why part the process of bathroom renovations should always at least give a few minutes worth of consideration to the ridiculously simple solution of cutting a hole in the drywall next to the toilet behind the flip-down door of which sits the now concealed toilet brush. 

  • Hands-Free Sink Faucet

Most bathroom renovations are certainly going to touch upon replacing existing sinks. While you ponder over standard issues of remodeling bathrooms like countertop material and whether to find more space by going with a pedestal sink, take time to think about why you rarely have to touch faucets in the bathrooms out in the business world anymore. The same sensor technology that saves you from picking up the germs left behind by other shoppers at the mall can also become part of the renovations of residential bathrooms. The advantages to your family's health alone make this home addition worthwhile. 

  • Anti-Scald Shower Valve

Bathroom renovations in older homes should actually put installation of anti-scald shower valves up near the top of the list. A number of different options are your disposal including showerheads with built-in anti-scald technology, pressure-balancing valves and thermostatic valves. The differences between these options are primarily cost as well as the means by which they all accomplish the same goal: keeping you from becoming the victim of a sudden change in water temperature with the potential for serious injury caused by burns or falling in the tub. 

  • Heated Towel Shelf

Tired of getting out the shower and facing the cold comfort of a towel exposed to room temperature? One of the most useful minor additions you can make to your bigger bathroom renovation plans is the introduction of a heated towel shelf. Imagine stepping out of the shower on a cold day and wrapping yourself in a luxuriously heated towel. For an additional benefit, situate the heated towel rack directly below your bathroom mirror and you can reduce or even eliminate fogging.


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Home Remodeling: Eight Smart Tips for Having the Bathroom Remodeled | Washington DC

1. Everything Needs to Arrive

Certain products, such as custom countertops, marble materials or bathroom fixtures are created on an order-only basis. The manufacturers will not make the product until the order comes into the shop. While this creates a unique look to the new bathroom, it requires patience from the customer and the contractor. 

2. All Options Need To Be Considered

The customer and contractor need to communicate openly regarding all the options. If the customer is on a tight deadline, the contractor may choose to explore ready-made options. The contractor can help guide the customer through the vast bathroom choices based on the customer's building timeline and personal needs. 

3. Shower Storage 

The customer and contractor need to plan for shower storage. Many showers only have a small shelf to store product, which does not serve the typical family of four. Eliminate injuries and messes by considering in-the-wall shower storage areas.  

4. Make Sure the Underlayment is Removed 

This is a very time consuming task, but the old vinyl or flooring needs to go. Since the flooring may stick stubbornly, it's best to rip up the underlayment along with the flooring. Floor removal needs to be discussed with the contractor before the project begins.

5. Accent Tiles Spice It Up

Among the options for tiling are accent tiles. These are typically mosaic or glass, and are usually expensive, which is why they are used as accents. Line the top of the shower walls with these special pieces for a layered look. Be sure the conversation between contractor and customer includes accent pieces.

6. Curved Shower Rods

Have you ever been to a hotel room with a curved shower rod? There's much more space inside the shower. A curved shower rod is a simple, cheaper addition, but certainly one which will make the shower feel bigger.

7. Fix the Toilet

The contractor and customer should discuss the toilet, especially if the floor is to be retiled. The toilet may be raised too high to work properly after the remodel. If the contractor will need any extenders for the toilet, these need to be discussed in the pre-remodel details.

8. Don't Forget the Lighting

While the bathroom is being updated, it's smart to consider an upgraded lighting. Talk about energy saving options, such as LED lighting fixtures. The most common forgotten part of the bathroom remodel is the lighting, so make sure it's reviewed before the remodel.

Contact us today to begin a bathroom remodel in your home. 



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3 Ways to Renovate Your Bathroom on a Budget | Arlington, VA

  • Refinish: Refinishing what is already there is less costly in terms of materials and labor than complete replacement. Bathtubs, counter tops, and even tiles, can be refinished. Feel free to paint your floor tiles, as one creative DIY-er chose to do as part of her renovation. A vanity can look brand new with just a faucet replacement. Acrylic or porcelain over steel tubs are a fraction of the cost of replacing your tub, and faster. A water-saver type of new toilet is not only inexpensive, it will both reduce your water use costs and help the environment. 
  • Choose the right paint color: For small rooms or bathrooms without good-size windows, a light colored paint will make your room feel more spacious. Large, window-lit spaces can be painted in darker, cozier colors. Be sure to use a paint that is formulated for bathroom use and resists mold and mildew.
  • Use domestic and less costly materials: No longer do we need to rely on expensive, imported marble flooring to make this space feel comfortable. As reported in HGTV, there are several good flooring options for bathrooms, with advantages and cautions for each one. Consider using domestically manufactured tiles for the bathtub or shower area, which are less costly than many imports. Add a large mirror and new, brighter lighting to make the room feel larger. 

Even those who prefer the DIY route may need to turn to an experienced hand for support. And relying on an experienced, dependable contractor may increase the return on your investment in the long run.

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3 Ways to Begin Your Bathroom Renovation | Silver Spring, MD

Nail Down a Budget

Changing the layout of your bathroom will cost more than to it will to make cosmetic upgrades. Be sure to think through the cost of materials, contractors, and come up with a reasonable budget for your project. 

Get Inspired

Look at magazines, talk to your friends, and start a collection of photos, articles, and ideas for your bathroom. This part of the process will help you determine the big picture plan for your renovation, as well as begin to identify some of the smaller details of the project, too.

Choose a Layout

Think through any changes to layout -- for example, do you want to move the toilet? -- and what that will mean for the plumbing and other design elements. Small bathrooms can be expanded, and large bathrooms can be rearranged as you desire. Just remember to ...

But that's not all! For more planning points:

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