3 Ways to Begin Your Bathroom Renovation | Silver Spring, MD

Nail Down a Budget

Changing the layout of your bathroom will cost more than to it will to make cosmetic upgrades. Be sure to think through the cost of materials, contractors, and come up with a reasonable budget for your project. 

Get Inspired

Look at magazines, talk to your friends, and start a collection of photos, articles, and ideas for your bathroom. This part of the process will help you determine the big picture plan for your renovation, as well as begin to identify some of the smaller details of the project, too.

Choose a Layout

Think through any changes to layout -- for example, do you want to move the toilet? -- and what that will mean for the plumbing and other design elements. Small bathrooms can be expanded, and large bathrooms can be rearranged as you desire. Just remember to ...

But that's not all! For more planning points:

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