Leaf Blowers Are Best For Lazy Lawn Care | Fairfax

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We've all done it -- leaving un-raked leaves on the lawn only to have the snow cover it. We're not proud of it, and neither is your Significant Other. You've got relatives coming over for Christmas and, even if the temperature drops below freezing, you're going to have to get that abomination up soon. But not to be alarmed, here are some leaf blower options that will make getting those leaves up a breeze.


For most homeowners a hand-held blower is a good fit. They are generally lightweight and easy to maneuver. These come in either electric or gas powered motors. Electric hand-held blowers are lighter and quieter than the gas powered variety. They can be either corded or cordless and both models offer easy start-up. Gas powered hand-held blowers are more powerful than the electric ones but will require more maintenance and fuel mixing. Most start with a manual pull-start but there are optional crank features available on some models.


Gas powered blowers also are available in a more powerful backpack model. This model is suited for commercial needs or if you have a large residential area to clear. It’s quite a bit  heavier than the hand-held models but the harness allows the user to carry the blower like a backpack. This creates the most comfortable way to use a blower for extended periods required for larger areas.

Heavy Duty

For heavy commercial or over-sized areas a walk behind blower is ideal. Some models can be converted into vacuums and/or mulchers for recycling or easier disposal of debris. Because of their heft they are the most difficult to maneuver and require a larger area for storage when not in use.

For a large selection of leaf blowers in Fairfax and other parts of Northern Virginia:

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