Help! My Garden Won't Survive the Winter! | Chevy Chase, MD

The frost is biting away at the wonderful garden and plants you nurtured earlier in the year. Don't let all that hard work go down the drain. Here are 3 ways you can help preserve your plants during the cold winter months. 

Water As Necessary

If the early snowfalls are few and far between, remember to give your plants some water. During a dry spell, keep your waterings short and frequent to prevent excess water from freezing around the plant. 

Do Some Cleaning

Clear out stems and foliage from perennial plants, to prevent the harboring of disease or insects over the winter months. Take this time to remove any diseased parts of the plants.

Spread the Mulch

Mulch helps to keep a consistent temperature and prevent the harm that can come from repeated freezing and thawing. Add up to 6 inches of new mulch each winter.


But that's not all. What about dealing with with heavy snowfalls? For more information on preventing broken stems and branches:

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