5 Energy-Saving Tips That Will Save You Tons of Cash This Summer

5 Energy-Saving Tips That Will Save You Tons of Cash This Summer http://www.flickr.com/photos/hardwig/


When the temperature goes up in the Washington DC area homeowners usually end up with flat pockets and light wallets. Here are six ways you can keep all that hard-earned cash right where it belongs: 

  1. Use CFL and/or LED lights
  2. Don't blast the A/C! Turning up the A/C will drastically increase your energy bill
  3. Instead, make use of your ceiling fans whenever possible
  4. Unplug unused appliances
  5. Plant  shade trees to decrease the heat beating down on your home, which warms your interior, turns on your A/C and costs you money

View the inforgraphic for more tips