How to Prevent Rusting on Black Gates and Fences | Centreville VA

When preventing rusting on wrought iron gates, the fence should be regularly checked for oxidation, scratch marks, and indentations. Scratches and other similar forms of damage on the surface of the a paint job will allow moisture to seep through, and come into contact with the wrought iron surface, leading to its oxidation.

Rust Blockers: Sealant Against Moisture and Air

It is important to make a note of all the possible areas where moisture can accumulate and penetrate. Nooks and crevices such as joints, hinges and motifs are found to be susceptible areas. A spray on "rust blocker" should be sprayed on these points. Oxidation may also occur in isolated areas. After spraying, these places should be left alone for the blocker to adhere to the metal surface.

Want to see more tips on how to prevent rust from your gates and fences? Check out all the tips...

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