Use Recycled Wooden Pallets to Make Elevated Garden Boxes


Finding a suitable garden location can be difficult, especially since yard space is a commodity and you should take into account the need to keep plants safe from children and pets.

For this reason, an elevated garden box is an ideal backyard design solution. Not only is it visually appealing, but it will also keep your plants safe. Garden boxes can be very costly, especially if you are looking to grow multiple plants. Fortunately, these can be quickly and easily constructed using free wooden pallets. This project will make rustic 2’x2’ vegetable boxes.


  • Hammer or crowbar
  • Saw
  • Screwdriver
  • Box of screws

Here's how: 

1. First, you will need to find a suitable wooden pallet. Most businesses are more than willing to give these away for free. Start your search by looking online or in newspaper classified sections for free pallets. If there are none listed, visit your local hardware store and inquire about any extras they may have. Since you will be growing food in your vegetable box, avoid soliciting businesses that may have used the pallets to ship or store chemicals. Hardware, furniture, or mattress stores are likely to have a steady supply of palettes that will be clean and free of chemicals. 

2. Once you have brought your pallets home, you will first need to disassemble it. Most pallets consist of three 2x4 pieces of wood connected by multiple boards. Begin by using your hammer or crowbar to separate the boards from the three joists. This may be a delicate process depending on the age of the pallet you are working with. Don't worry if some of the wood splinters off; there will be extra wood on either end that needs to be cut off before constructing the box. Carefully remove the nails from the boards.

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